Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Coming in Like a Lamb?

Okay, this is going to be short, but as I keep saying, I'm going to post things more often.

I t looks so far, like March is going to come in like a lamb. I have to say I'm glad March is here, February seemed to drag on forever! The snow needs to go bye-bye too. I'm ready to set out in the backyard, watch the birds, enjoy the flowers and read while Jenna and George are at work/school. I need a field trip. Anyway, I have been keeping myself busy, as I have a brithday card class to design for and I'm currently teaching myself to us Painter 11. LOVE that program. I could just sit there and doodle all day, but that doesn't really get anything done now does it? It's so fun to be able to go from watercolor, to markers to acrylics and not worry about washing about brushes, wasting paint on something you aren't happy with  and just generally making a big mess. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for messes in my studio space, but sometimes when it gets all tidy, I would love it to stay that way, but that's not what happens. When I get something worth looking at done, I'll post it here and maybe on the facebook page. We'll see.

Until then, enjoy the melting snow!