Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Messing About

Well, the computer was at the doctor for a few days this week (LOL) for a check-up so it gave me the chance to finally watch my wonderful Chris Botti in Boston DVD ( I love, love, love his music) that hubby got me for my birthday. I really enjoyed it and got me in the mindset to do a little messing around with the markers just cause I could. Markers are so fun and vibrate. Granted they aren't my daughter's Crayola markers, but you still get that lovely brightness. Plus it's a fun way to mess around with an idea before you commit to it in watercolor etc.

One is of my daughter, the other is sort of a extreme make-over of a previous piece I have already done. You'll know it when you see it. It's one of those what if designs. (Especially since I've finally decided to start putting faces back on people. I'm not sure what took me so long.) Putting faces in sort of changes my medium a bit. I'll start leaning toward watercolor for a while now I think - partly because I can get the realistic yet fresh loose look I can get with markers when I paint with watercolor. And I still get to keep my bright colors, which keeps me a happy camper.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and feel free to post and comment.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What am I doing?

Well, with luck Monday I hope to have some fairly recent artwork and scrapbook pages I've done that I'm proud of up on the blog. Some of them made with contraband (for those of you that don't know, I'm a Close To My Heart consultant, but I don't limit myself to strictly using our products). I will do my best to let you know what medium, how I'm creating this and that, what papers and embellishments etc. I used so if you like them you can find them.
I will say as far as my artwork goes, I don't necessarily follow any kind of rules. Some days I like to lay the acrylic on thick so you can see the brush strokes and some days I could pour it on I have the paint so thin. It's all in my mood. Some days I just play with the markers. (marker artists are very happy people.) I love marker work. Call me crazy. I enjoy it so much so that I watch Overhaulin' just so I can see the marker drawing that Chip Foose does of the car design. Of course the cars always look sweet, and I love old cars especially.
Anyway, stay tuned. I hope to have lots to look at or at least more that what's here right now. You can never have enough "bling".
Oh! And before I forget, feel free to post comments or questions!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sorry, couldn't wait til tomorrow

Okay, today was the first day of school for the munchkin, she started Union Elementary, no biggie. I went there. Phillipsburg Elementary was closed so now she goes there. She's been very excited about starting, she's not complained about going to Union, although she did say she was really going to miss going to P-burg.
When all the shenanigans went on about closing the school it seemed that P-burg parents were the only ones that didn't want it to happen. Supposedly, everybody in Union was groovy with it. Now school has started and there is not happiness to see the P-burg kids. Union parents are complaining about the buses and this and that.
So here's my gripe. If you have issues about what has happened and/or you don't like the fact that P-burg kids now have to go to Union and share the school with your kids etc, fine. I understand that. However, I don't think you need to voice it where the kiddies can hear you. I know my daughter will be fine with all this, (although she mentioned when she got home that She was afraid she wouldn't fit in) but she doesn't or any other kid there does not need to hear parents saying "Those Phillipsburg kids this, and that" or vice versa. We're the adults, we should set the example and complain to the right people and do it while the little people aren't around.
I am usually okay with the whole going to school thing - I never got upset or boo-hooed when she stepped her little foot on the bus. But this year, I've felt a little anxious and yes, concerned. It's over, it's done with, nobody is going to change it - we just have to handle it.

I will now step down from the soapbox. ;-)

Oh, and P.S. you will not generally hear me go on like this, so I apologize in advance. Now I feel better.

Here we go...

Alright, I've been thinking about this for a while and figured why not. I do occasionally have something to say and someone might like to read it. It might not always be exciting, but too bad.

So, why an inpatient artist? Well, I don't like to wait obviously. When I paint, I usually use acrylics because they dry faster. I like to work with markers as well. I love water color, but I make them as large as I can and tend to do a lot of glazing and washes, and I start at the top and go down. They're fairly big because when I do get to the bottom, the top is pretty close to dry. (My watercolors tend to look like my marker drawings.) I also create most of my artwork on the computer first - there's not a lot of mess and I can fool around with colors without have to start over; again time saving. I like the instant gratification of scrapbooking. I don't have to have any one else's approval but mine. Don't get me wrong, I make sure I get the job done right, but I try to get it done quickly and correctly.

Okay, so that it for the explanation. Those of you who know me, know I tend to talk and walk fast. I'm terrible at waiting on people. Enough said. I'm not sure how oftern I'll do this, but I'll try to keep things recent. TTFN!